There's Something Happening Here....
The authors of Wikipedia write that in the past four years, over 10,500 have died in the War in Ukraine, including Ukrainian and Russian soldiers, volunteers, civilians and international aid workers. We are preparing young people to work for peace. Rather than show the faces of these four teens, I hope this photo shows their intensity during a training earlier this year.
This summer we offer our first Beach Camp experience to train and encourage teens from across Ukraine to be advocates of peace in their schools, families, country, communities and lives. I am asking for your support.
We need an additional $4600 for room, board and supplies for 30 people to spend a week in dormitories on the Black Sea. Our hope is to receive it by July 21st.
Can you help? If so, click here to find our donation button, or
send a check marked "2018 Summer Peace Camp" to This Child Here, 245 Seaview Ave, Daytona Beach, Fl 32118

Below, I am looking over the shoulders of three more students in our program.
There's something happening here, in Ukraine, and it's happening largely at the level of younger people who want to be part of what's best for their country.
This Child Here is a faith based nonprofit supported largely but not solely by the Presbyterian Church USA. My faith is what got me here and what keeps me going. I believe in the work we are doing. I believe in the youth we have chosen and the staff who are training them.
Robert Gamble