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Not an Easy Year

This has not been an easy year.

An illness last fall put me behind in fundraising for This Child Here, and I am still trying to catch up.

A renter in our home in Atlanta quit paying. That has been a drain on finances.

I am close to finishing my book, but as those of you who have published know: there's always something.

However..... On the sunny side, I enjoy time in Ukraine with kids and families (this boy I am carrying is one of five brothers at our camp for families displaced by the war in Ukraine) and this time time in America when I visit churches and friends is my source of wisdom, energy and encouragement. Here are some people who have recently provided a place for me to stay.

Thank you Betsy (the Reverend) and Allan Lockhart in Ft. Worth, Texas. You the very first donors to This Child Here. Your frank offer of support launched this mission in Ukraine. Thank you Marcia and Gordon Glass of Farmington NM. You are wise people with a depth of life experience I admire. I count myself lucky to be in the parade of peacemakers and world-changers who share nights and meals in your lovely home. Thank you Ben Powell, Director of Dogwood Acres Camp and Conference Center for a night in one of your cabins-in-the-woods. It's a treat. Thank you Tom and Carol Smoyer of The First Presbyterian Church, Vero Beach, FL. for hospitality and lively conversation. I am getting to be a regular with you. Thank you Maryann and (Board Member) Pete McGuire of the Druid Hills Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA for a lovely bedroom and fine dining. I always come with questions and leave with directions to go to find the answers. Thank you Karen Bayless and Tucker Bayless in Farmington NM. I figuratively and literally get to kick off my shoes and put my feet up at your place, as you don't allow shoes on those beautiful floors. I get to relax. It's just what I need.

I still have more stops to make in the USA. On Sunday, Oct 27th we will be at the First Presbyterian Church of New Vernon, NJ.

I wish to thank the following churches that have given this year:

Fellowship Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee, FL; A.J. Mealor, pastor.

Winter Park Presbyterian, Winter Park, FL; Bob Eckard, pastor.

First Presbyterian Church of Daytona Beach, FL; Bill Anderson, pastor.

Hope Presbyterian at Lake Nona, FL; Nancy Graham Ogne, pastor.

The First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach, FL; Dr. Tim Womack, pastor and Michael York, pastor for Mission.

The First Presbyterian Church of Ft. Worth, TX; Robyn Michalove, pastor for Mission and Outreach.

The First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, NM; Meghan Cullip, pastor.

Calvin Presbyterian Church in Tigard (outside Portland), OR Jim Wallis, pastor, also for the opportunity to preach and serve communion in worship

Beyond our Borders and Christ United Methodist Church of Chapel Hill, NC

Collierville Presbyterian Church, Collierville, TN; Mark Wright, Pastor

Orenco Presbyterian Church, Hillsboro OR; Mark Rainey, Pastor

Thank you JoAnn Wheeler of The First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach and Buck Branson of Beyond our Borders for making the trip to Ukraine. Keep that spirit of adventure.

Thank you, all of you who have donated. There are too many names to mention here. Please know how grateful I am.

Grace and Peace,

Robert Gamble

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