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Ukraine and the Corona Virus

Not many have died from the Coronavirus. As of 20 hours ago, 17 have died and 670 are infected. But already the country is taking strong measures: quarantine, businesses, schools, and all non grocery stores are closed.

At the present time, we are unable to train families as gatherings of people are banned. Many people cannot work. Our trainings of foster families and camps have been put on hold until July. Like many third world countries, people live close to each other, in apartments, and buses, on the streets and crowded into grocery stores. The infection rate will rise dramatically.

I am especially concerned about two families. Both wives lost husbands in the past two months—not due to Corona Virus but to other illnesses.

1. Natalia (top) works for This Child Here training foster families. She has a 5 year old son. Her husband was a merchant seaman. He died suddenly of a heart attack in his mid-thirties.

2. Natasha's husband Andre (pictured with her and two boys) worked for a non-profit in the war zone. Their family was displaced by the war. He died of a blood illness. He was in his mid 40's.

No work means no pay. The difficulties at this time, for these families have been compounded.

I am looking for 8 people or churches to give $25 a month for the next year. That will mean $100 a month for each for these families to buy food. If you can give toward any part of this fund, I would greatly appreciate it. You can send us checks, or do a bank bill pay or In PayPal comments write "Natalia and Natasha". Here's our giving page:

Currently, Yulia and I are at home in Florida. Churches, of course, are closed. It's not possible to fly to Ukraine. The airports and train lines are closed to travel. I'm working online. And waiting.

Grace and Peace,

Robert Gamble

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