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This Child Here ( ) is located in Izmail in the southwest of Ukraine on Danube, the border to Romania. We work with families displaced by the war. Our work in July is not in Ukraine, but on the beaches of Bulgaria.

All, during the year, we have a center for creative activities and one for sports. These are open 7 days a week with programs in art, music, exercise, and tennis, and classes in english. Kids from age 6 to 18 come. Mothers come for a time designed for them on Sunday afternoons, led by a psychologist. We have about 120 mothers participating in all our programs and 140 children.

We have built a trusting and supportive community and provide an environment for healthy childhood development. Read “The Body Keeps Score,” by Bessel van der Kolk, and you will see that there are many options for trauma therapy. Love, affirmation, trusting relationships, exercise, and play in the sea, all can be healing.

Our summer camps are held outside Ukraine in a former Soviet resort in Varna, Bulgaria. Varna is clean city, on the clear waters of the Black Sea. We have programs, time in the pool, time in the sea, free time for people to choose what to do. There will be three weeks of camp with 50 people coming by bus to each. I can use at least 2 volunteers for each week. The dates are July 4 to July 25, 2024


We are looking for at least 6 young adults, college age and up to attend camps for Ukrainian mothers, youth, and children displaced by the war in Ukraine.

Essentially, your job is to spend time with youth. They will be very interested in meeting an American young adult. You will find ways to communicate with them: cell phone translator, with your hands, saying the names of actors in films or musicians. Many kids learn English by watching re-runs of Friends and other shows in English. In my opinion, most youth in Ukraine are kind hearted; you don't see arrogance or cynicism. They are hi-tech aware.

It can take a little time to build trust... This is a big issue in Ukraine, especially with the war. Who can you trust? Americans often begin by digging for information: what do your parents do? What happened to you in the war? I wouldn't ask this.... someone may be dead; the cat or dog they love may still be in that empty home in the war zone. They may have a single mom because dad is no longer around.

Learn how to walk right up to young people without intimidating them. Keep your body, shoulders, arms, hands relaxed. "Privyet" means hello. Let them begin the conversation. Try to connect with as many as possible, but there will be a few that you will be closer to. Be careful what you promise. It may not be so easy to invite them to America.

This is probably not what you thought you would hear as a job description, but really, I'm less interested in what you DO with these young people than how you can BE with them. You must LIKE KIDS and be willing to hang with them to come on this trip.

There are three camps: July 4-11, July 11-18 and July 18-25. Fifty people, mothers, children and staff will attend each. I am looking for at least 2 young adults for each camp. You would need to fly from the states on the day before the beginning of camp as it takes an overnight flight to get to Varna, Bulgaria. I or someone else can meet you at the airport.

You will be working with people from a country at war with Russia. This is the biggest land war in Europe since WWII. You will learn more than you can imagine about what is happening here. If you are at all interested in non-profit work as self-employed or with a large non-profit, or work with youth, children or families who are victims of trauma, or international anything, or even medicine, this experience will look very good on your resume.

Regretfully, there is no salary, and you will need to pay for your transportation by air to Varna. Round trip Flights from Atlanta to Varna, Bulgaria on Austrian Airlines are about $1000. The cost of room and meals at the camp is $40 per day.

If you are connected to any local church, you may get some help with funding. As we are funded primarily by Presbyterian Churches (USA), you can approach any local PCUSA church by talking with the pastor and writing a letter to the “Clerk of Session,” and ask for help with funding. I will send an email on your behalf.Following the summer, you will need to go back to your supporting church and tell them about your experience. We have received some funding from Rotary, that's also an option.

Robert Gamble

whatsapp +380969214952

+18283182149 USA cell and also Telegram and Viber



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